I'm setting a timer using afxwin SetTimer function. This function receives three params one of which is a callback function.
I set a callback function in a class (let's call it NS) and tried to pass it as an argument. However the compiler complains that this:
void (__stdcall NS::*) (HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR, DWORD);
is not the same as:
void (__stdcall *) (HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR, DWORD);
What should I do?
Make the function
*. Otherwise it's not even a function, but rather a member function, which is a very different animal. Moreover, it doesn't otherwise make sense to "pass the function in a class as a callback", as you put it: A non-static member function is tied to the state of an object instance of that class.(Also, search this site, this question has been asked a million times over and there are many good alternatives spread out throughout SO.)
*) As @James points out, this is not sufficient if the callback function has a C interface, in which case you also need a free
extern "C"
wrapper function.