I know it sounds crazy, but I do have a reason for doing this. I would like someone else on the same file system to be able to make changes to files, and unfortunately I can not change the group we are involved in. Is there a way to suppress this error message? I have a feeling it can achieved using some directive in a .htaccess file, but that is simply a whim and I could be completely wrong.
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Of course it's not a solution for all cases, but your error is probably caused by suExec or suPHP... Maybe you could disable it or use something else ?
you must CHMON the files that gives you this error to 664 or 775. Look into apache server error logs and check the files
Exemple: can be something like this:
[2010-01-05 04:35:51]: error: file is writable by others: (/home/mysite/public_html/index.php)
In this case give 755 to index.php or 644