I am trying to extract the data from an .xls file and making a list but i am getting the list as [u'elem1', u'elem2', u'elem3']
, but if i print separately i get as:
what is that u thing and how to remove it?
Here is my code...
from xlrd import open_workbook
for sheets in xls.sheets():
for col in range(sheets.ncols):
for rows in range(sheets.nrows):
list1.append(sheets.cell(rows, col).value)
for i in list1:
For practical matters, the
in the beginning won't affect u. U can work with them as well unless you have some issues related to encoding it in different formats.Assuming you are using Python 2.x, the
thing says that xlrd gives you unicode strings (what Excel strings really are). If you want to convert them in Python 2.7 strings, you have to encode them with the charset you useAssuming you use latin1 (also knows as iso-8859-1 or (with minimal differences) windows-1252, you can transform your list of unicode strings in a list of latin1 strings that way :
or if you have only ASCII characters
I solved it by doing
You can define the text as string,while appending data to the list in list1.append(str(sheets.cell(rows, col).value)) to remove [u' .The code will be: