I have a large "grid" of data that takes about 40 seconds to generate and dump as plain text. If I wrap the text with html table formatting (with fixed td widths) it takes over 200 seconds to completely display in IE7, and under a minute to display in Safari. Small "grids" display in under 5 seconds in either browser, so I don't think it's related to anything other than data volume. Is there anything I can do on the server side to speed up IE7 display? Telling the users to stop banging their heads against the wall is not an option.
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Even the Safari "under a minute" seems unbearable. Wherever I have anything that slow I put up a progress bar and some stats about the data.
Kazar's pagination idea may be the way to go, or progressive loading as Oscar Reyes suggests.
Just how many rows and columns is this data that it takes that long?