I'm new to the MVC structure with Sencha Touch 2.
In my view, I have a label as follows:
{ xtype: 'label', itemId: 'title', html: 'title' }
In my controller, how do I set the value of this label?
Currently my controller (working off a tutorial sample):
Ext.define("NotesApp.controller.Notes", {
extend: "Ext.app.Controller", config: { refs: { // We're going to lookup our views by xtype. noteView: "noteview", noteEditorView: "noteeditorview", notesList: "#notesList" }, control: { noteView: { // The commands fired by the notes list container. noteNextCommand: "onNoteNextCommand", noteAnswerCommand: "onNoteAnswerCommand" }, noteEditorView: { // The commands fired by the note editor. saveNoteCommand: "onSaveNoteCommand", deleteNoteCommand: "onDeleteNoteCommand", backToHomeCommand: "onBackToHomeCommand" } } }, onNoteNextCommand: function () { var noteView = this.getNoteView(); console.log("loaded view"); //set label here }, // Base Class functions. launch: function () { this.callParent(arguments); var notesStore = Ext.getStore("Notes"); notesStore.load(); console.log("launch"); }, init: function () { this.callParent(arguments); console.log("init"); } });
The full View code:
Ext.define("NotesApp.view.Note", { extend: "Ext.Container", alias: "widget.noteview",
config: { layout: { type: 'fit' }, items: [ { xtype: "toolbar", title: "Random Question", docked: "top", items: [ { xtype: 'spacer' }, { xtype: "button", text: 'List', ui: 'action', itemId: "list" } ] }, { xtype: "label", html: 'question', itemId: "question" }, { xtype: "label", html: 'answer', itemId: "answer" } ], listeners: [{ delegate: "#list", event: "tap", fn: "onListTap" }, { delegate: "#question", event: "tap", fn: "onQuestionTap" }, { delegate: "#answer", event: "tap", fn: "onAnswerTap" }] }, onListTap: function () { console.log("list"); this.fireEvent("showList", this); }, onQuestionTap: function () { console.log("noteAnswer"); this.fireEvent('noteAnswer', this); }, onAnswerTap: function () { console.log("noteNext"); this.fireEvent('noteNext', this); } });
You need to add a reference to your label in your controller :
and then in your controller you can access the label by calling
So, in order to change the title, you need to do (wherever you want in your controller)
Hope this helps
Give your label some
property valueand then write the following code in your