I am trying to store password in wso2 management console so that I can refer it using an alias in my API configuration files. I am following below steps: Manage -> Secure Vault Tool and then click Manage Passwords-> Add New Password to encrypt and store: management console: adding password alias
After clicking on add I get the below error "Failed to load security key store information ,Configure secret-conf.properties properly"
I am struggling with this issue, don't know what I am missing. I am new to ESB. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
To enable encrypting passwords you have to configure ESB_HOME/repository/conf/security/secret-conf.properties file. You can do it automatically using the ciphertool.sh provided at ESB_HOME/bin. Run following and enter 'wso2carbon' as the password when asked. It will configure the file for you (and encrypt some plain text passwords in the config files),
You have enter the same password 'wso2carbon' at the server startup again. For more details see here.