I am checking condition for 12/09/2016
to 13/09/2016
but it is not showing me data for 13/09/2016
and giving error
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
Here is my query
b.mkey , a.N_UserMkey, cuser_id,isnull(a.N_UserMkey,cuser_id) aa,
ISNULL(b.first_name + ' ', '')
+ ISNULL(b.last_name, '') NAME, convert(varchar,a.U_datetime,103) Action_Date
FROM inward_doc_tracking_trl a
INNER JOIN user_mst b ON isnull(a.N_UserMkey,cuser_id) = b.mkey
BETWEEN convert(varchar,'12/09/2016',103)
AND convert(varchar,'13/09/2016',103)
and b.mkey=2357
You need to convert to DATETIME
currently the query just leaves BETWEEN arguments as VARCHAR and then the server needs to compare them with
. At that moment they are converted to DATETIME with no format specified.I'm not sure, but it seems that you are cummulating several mistakes here:
. This is very erronous, due to the time-portion of a datetime. Often forgotten... You might read this great blog by Aaron Betrandconvert(varchar,'12/09/2016',103)
you are usingvarchar
without a length... One more bad habit to kickTry to change your
clause to this (all datetimes on 12th of September, but not on 13th)or this (all datetimes of 12th and of 13th September)