I have a following oracle stored procedure
PROCEDURE getRejectedReasons
OPEN p_cursor FOR SELECT * FROM reasons_for_rejection;
However, when I run this stored procedure in sql-developer then I dont see anything. I just see something like this:
Connecting to the database oracleLocal.
Process exited.
Disconnecting from the database oracleLocal.
I'm coming from MS sql server and am used to seeing actual results when running a stored procedure like this. Is this stored procedure not returning results because I am using a cursor??
ETA: Ok. Ignore what I wrote. Listen to someone else. Apparently it's wrong, as I got down voted.
What tpdi said is correct. You have to do something with the cursor after you declare it.
Here's an example using two cursors in nested loops
One of the differences between Oracle and SQL Server is that the latter returns result sets naturally. I'd use a function, by the way.
In Oracle, functions typically return a single element. Cursors came later.
There's some documentation online that will help you understand the use of refcursor bind variables. Here's one such for SQL*Plus:
I think in SQL Developer you can do the same thing with autoprint on, although I haven't tested that.
Found a blog that also discusses something similar:
The stored procedure is returning something it's just you aren't doing anything with the results.
You can do this simply by running the following script in SQLDeveloper:
Another method is to fetch each row and do some sort of processing:
You opened the cursor. You didn't select anything from it, update it, or advance it.
All open does, effectively, to select the matching rows into temporary memory, so you can advance the cursor row by row. Which you didn't do.