I'm new to CodeIgniter and I hope that my question will have a simple answer.
I have a website with a couple of menu items (menuA,menuB and menuC). I have modeled it with one main controller, index(), menuA(), menuB() and menuC() in the controller. The called function sets a session value currentMenu and includes header, X, footer. Where X depends on the function called. The header then high lights the choosen menu.
Within menuC (Account settings in my webapp) I would like to have a different controller that controls subviews of AccountSettings/NotLoggedIn.
Logically I would like menuC() to include the header and the footer but then forward the call to a subcontroller that managed login or the sub pages.
Am I using the framwork wrong or is there a straight forward way to achieve this?
I think it sounds like you're not understanding how to apply MVC to your structure. Picture it this way:
Controllers represent some facet of your application that users can interact with. For example, I could have an
controller that allows users to create, read, update, or deleteitems
. All the logic for interacting withitems
is handled by that controller (meaning it calls theitems
model and renders the necessary views).In your case it sounds like you are building a
controller that handles displaying the content for specific pages a user may call. So your controller could look something like this:Views can get a little tricky when you're dealing with complex sites that have overlap. One of the most useful tricks I've discovered along the way is using a emplating library to reduce redundancy. This is the one I use all the time: http://williamsconcepts.com/ci/codeigniter/libraries/template/reference.html . Using the template library you can easily define a layout that includes your header and footer and then just pass in a partial for the content you want to display.
When you want to deal with logic in something like a menu, all you need to do is pass in a variable with the page name and then do some basic PHP render the menu.
Hope this helps!