cross-origin not working I get “Anonymous caller d

2019-08-01 22:28发布

In a bucket you can change cross policy I followed this steps:

In gsutil: First I removed the read permisions from allUsers that I configured at first

gsutil iam ch -d allUsers gs:/myBucketName

I removed it because even if I configured the json to serve only on localhost:8080, it serves content from other ports. Then I configure with gsutil as pointed out here this json options:

[{ "origin":["http://localhost:8080"],

In gsutil:

 gsutil cors set cor.json gs://myBucketName

After that, I´m using a simple html and a local server that only have this content:

<img src="linkfrombyObject">

But I when my broser try to fetch the image, It gets and xml that says:"Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.get enter image description here

enter image description here any idea what could be wrong? comand line

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