OpenLayers 3 has a great drag and drop feature. The example is given here:
Within the event handler for the drag and drop you can access the vector layer that has been dragged in (vectorSource) in this case:
dragAndDropInteraction.on('addfeatures', function(event) {
var vectorSource = new ol.source.Vector({
features: event.features
map.addLayer(new ol.layer.Vector({
source: vectorSource,
style: styleFunction
vectorSource.getExtent(), /** @type {ol.Size} */ (map.getSize()));
vectorSource can be seen here being created from event.features, however I can't find a way of telling whether the vector that's been dropped into the map is of type polygon, point or line.
My question is, is there a way of telling what vector type the data is?
shows that there is a geometry term in there, but I'm not sure how that reliably gives me data type.
I need to know for my layer management tool so that I can correctly represent the vector layer.
I have tried:
Neither seem to produce the information I need.
If you have a feature, you can retrieve its Geometry and then its Type: