I'm looking for a solution for embedding video and audio in html. The new videotag supports .ogg and .mp4, but is there a fallback solution for .flv and other formats?
For example, if I want to embed an .ogg, it will check whether or not html5 is supported, if not, it uses the fallback. If I want to embed a .flv is uses the fallback.
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html5 tag supports a fallback to any element, if the browser cannot interpret the video tag. here s a quick example for a fallback to a flash-file.
instead of the embed tag, you can take any html-element (f.e. a span with text "your browser cannot interpret html5.." or a picture or anything you want). basically, html5 browser take the videosource they can play, while non-html5 browser ignore the video and source tag and take the falback element at the end.