When I take screenshots with ChromeDriver I get screens with the size of my viewport.
When I take screenshots with FirefoxDriver I get what I want, which is a full screen print of a website.
ChromeDriver is declared like this:
IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
FirefoxDriver is declared like this:
IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
Both drivers execute identical code:
driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(url);//url is a string variable
ITakesScreenshot screenshotDriver = driver as ITakesScreenshot;
Screenshot screenshot = screenshotDriver.GetScreenshot();
screenshot.SaveAsFile("c:/test.png", ImageFormat.Png);
ChromeDriver's test.png is of 1920x1099 resolution and contains only the browser viewport.
FirefoxDriver's test.png is of 1903x16559 resolution and contains the whole page.
I know that GetScreenshot()
method doesn't return identical resolution sizes because it has slightly different implementations in IEDriver, FirefoxDriver, OperaDriver, ChromeDriver.
My questions are:
Why is there such difference between ChromeDriver's and FirefoxDriver's
method, even tho they use an identical interface (ITakesScreenshot)?Is there a way to make ChromeDriver's
method return the whole webpage screen instead of just the viewport?
It appears as though full-screen screenshots are not yet implemented in the ChromeDriver, due to some inaccuracies in its previous implementation.
Source: https://code.google.com/p/chromedriver/issues/detail?id=294
I have recently written a Selenium based application to test an Internet Explorer UI and found that:
Investigate using the Graphics.CopyFromScreen method in System.Drawing as an alternative solution until the feature is implemented in Chrome. Once you have tried .the Net approach however, I don't think you will look back =]
we can't get the entire page screenshot with ChromeDriver2, we need to go for manual implementation.I have modified a method with is available in a blog which works fine with ChromeDriver.
use this method as following :
I stumbled accross the same problem and ChromeDriver2 just does not support it.
So I created a little script which scrolls thru the page, takes screenshots and stitches everything together.
You can find the script in my blog post here: http://dev.flauschig.ch/wordpress/?p=341
I cleaned up @Selvantharajah Roshanth's answer and added a check so that it won't try to stitch together screenshots that already fit in the viewport.