I have several interfaces, e.g. IA, IB, IC, and so on, that share common properties, e.g. Site. I would like to know how to reuse code for these interfaces (please save me the answer on COM aggregation).
Current implementation is as follows:
class CA
// ATL specific...
STDMETHODIMP get_Site(...) {...}
STDMETHODIMP put_Site(...) {...}
class BA
// ATL specific...
STDMETHODIMP get_Site(...) {...}
STDMETHODIMP put_Site(...) {...}
class CC
// ATL specific...
STDMETHODIMP get_Site(...) {...}
STDMETHODIMP put_Site(...) {...}
What I want to achieve (but cannot) is as follows.
template<typename T>
class SharedProperties
STDMETHODIMP get_Site(...) {...}
STDMETHODIMP put_Site(...) {...}
class CA :
// ATL specific...
// properties are inherited and are accessible from IC
class BA
// ATL specific...
// properties are inherited and are accessible from IB
class CC
// ATL specific...
// properties are inherited and are accessible from IA
I came across this idea after reading up (http://vcfaq.mvps.org/com/7.htm) but the site does not have a working example and no matter how much I tried I could not get it to work. I keep getting "Cannot instantiate abstract class" because the pure virtual functions get_Site and put_Site are not implemented (as per the second snippet).
EDIT Do note that I am using VS2010. Sample implementation below:
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CArticle :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CArticle, &CLSID_Article>,
public IDispatchImpl<IArticle, &IID_IArticle, &LIBID_GeodeEdiLib, /*wMajor =*/ 1, /*wMinor =*/ 0>
The compiler does not know that the methods
implement the methods from the interface. You need to inherit the SharedProperties class template from the corresponding interface. That's the argument to makeSharedProperties
a template at all.Please note that the class CA is not directly inherited from the interface IA.
Edit: The VS2008 class wizard generates this inheritance for a simple ATL class object:
is the in the IDL defined interface. So in ATL context you just need to replace the IMyObject inheritance: