is there any way to use .aar library (with resources) in eclipse ant project? I know that there is no simply way to use .aar format like in gradle, but maybe there is some workaround to unzip it and import it manually?
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Indeed, aar files are just archive files. So you can unzip it and find jar files along with ressources files. The question have already been partially answered here:
If you want to get the ressources inside your jar, you could try repackage like it's suggested in this answer:
The brunt of the work can be done by a wonderful script called deaar. The gist explains things, but basically you run:
It outputs an almost ready to use library. Next, you need to run:
Replace xx with the Android version you're targeting. Now put that directory where your build.xml and are. Finally, add a line like this to your
Replace the directory name with the one you created. You can use ".2" and so on for additional libraries. And that's it!
Twitter Fabric(Crashlytics) has a kits-libs plugin for dependencies management
And there's another gradle plugin project
This solution was helpful for me
EDIT: A .aar file is simply a zip file with the following contents:
You see, within the .aar file you have everything you need to operate the library in eclipse.
to create library:
Now let's see how to configure your project to reference the library project.
If there is, copy the entire contents of the file .aar libs folder in folder libs target project .
Make a Clean the workspace and recompiled.