For some reason the following code runs fine but the file overwrite alert keeps coming up even though I have set xl.EnableEvents = False, the code won't execute further unless I manually click the overwrite file popup. Does anyone know how to fix this?
The code opens an excel file which contains a string which allows the excel file to connect to the bloomberg api, I used this solution here to get this to work. As long as the file is open for enough time the data is pulled into the file and then saves and exits. It takes around ~35 seconds to get the data and the pandas table starts displaying the content I'm requesting
The problem is the popups! - I need to see when the string '#N/A Requesting Data...' is no longer in the file and can't see a way to do it without periodically saving the file. A solution that allows me to see the file contents dynamically without having to save would be great.
The solution here didn't work for me to stop the popups, I could probably make a new file each time and then delete them all at the end but this seems a bit clunky. This question extends this problem here if anyone wants to see the code and the problem in a more full context.
WB = 'C:/path/to/my/file.xlsx'
location = "EGLL"
def run_VWA(WB, location):
"""open the excel file, allow enough time to pull the data, then close and save"""
bb = 'C:/blp/API/Office Tools/BloombergUI.xla'
xl.AddIns("Bloomberg Excel Tools").Installed = True
wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(Filename=WB) #opens workbook in readonly mode.
xl.Visible = False
xl.EnableEvents = False
xl.DisplayAlerts = False
colstring='#N/A Requesting Data...'
while total < 40:
df = df_from_excel(WB, location)
if colstring not in df:
xl.DisplayAlerts = True
#Cleanup the com reference.
del xl
Any help with this is much appreciated, I have very limited experience with the win32com library.
After a good few hours digging I've found how to solve this dynamically without the need for saving the file each iteration. If anyone else comes up against this problem most of the solution was found here. Many thanks assylias for some useful pointers.