I am trying to identify potential duplicate customers in my database based on the last 4 of the SSN, last name and DOB. The stored procedure I have written does identify potential duplicates but it lists them in one row - I am trying to split into separate rows for reporting reasons.
My T-SQL looks like:
@StartDate DATE = '1/1/2017',
@EndDate DATE = '3/1/2017';
SELECT DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY c.socialSecurityNumber) AS [SSNRanking] ,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY c.socialSecurityNumber ORDER BY c.socialSecurityNumber) AS [RowNumb] ,
c.socialSecurityNumber AS [SSN],
c.id AS [CustomerID] ,
c.firstName AS [FirstName] ,
c.lastName AS [lastName] ,
c.birthDate [birthdate] ,
c.createDate AS [CreateDate] ,
c2.socialSecurityNumber AS [DupSSN] ,
c2.id AS [DupCustomerID] ,
c2.firstName AS [DupFirstName] ,
c2.lastName AS [DupLastName] ,
c2.birthDate AS [DupBirthDate] ,
c2.createDate AS [DupCreateDate]
FROM dbo.Customers AS [c]
INNER JOIN dbo.Customers AS [c2] ON ( SUBSTRING(c.socialSecurityNumber,6,4) = SUBSTRING(c2.socialSecurityNumber,6,4) AND c.birthDate = c2.birthDate AND c.lastName = c2.lastName AND c.id <> c2.id )
LEFT JOIN dbo.CustomerAddresses AS [CA] ON c.id = CA.customerID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Common_Orders AS [co] ON co.customerID = c.id
c.customerStatusTypeID <> 'M'
AND C2.customerStatusTypeID <> 'M'
AND c.mergedTo IS NULL
AND c2.mergedTo IS NULL
AND CAST(co.orderDate AS DATE) >= @StartDate
AND CAST(co.orderDate AS DATE) <= @EndDate
AND c.id = 1234439
GROUP BY c.socialSecurityNumber ,
c.id ,
c.firstName ,
c.lastName ,
c.birthDate ,
c.createDate ,
c2.socialSecurityNumber ,
c2.id ,
c2.firstName ,
c2.lastName ,
c2.birthDate ,
ORDER BY CAST(c.socialSecurityNumber AS INT) ASC;
And my data set looks like:
SSNRanking RowNumb SSN CustomerID FirstName lastName birthdate CreateDate DupSSN DupCustomerID DupFirstName DupLastName DupBirthDate DupCreateDate
1 1 000009915 1234439 GREG GARRETT 1900-01-01 2014-02-25 000009915 1166084 ADAM GARRETT 1900-01-01 2013-08-29
In this particular instance, I have two users with the same last 4 of the SSN, same last name and same DOB - but different first names.
How can I make these two records appear on separate lines? Ideally, I would like to see:
SSNRanking RowNumb SSN CustomerID FirstName lastName birthdate CreateDate
1 1 000009915 1234439 GREG GARRETT 1900-01-01 2014-02-25
1 2 000009915 1166084 ADAM GARRETT 1900-01-01 2013-08-29
But I am not sure how I can accomplish this when joining to the same table. Suggestions?
I'm linking to a script that creates the two tables in question and inserts sample data. Hopefully that is acceptable: SQL Script
This is called "unpivot". You can use
operator, but I prefer to useCROSS APPLY ... VALUES
.I'll wrap your query into CTE without looking at it in details and split each row into two using
.By the way,
doesn't make sense when you partition and order by the same column. I'm not sure what you want to achieve there.