I'm writing some vba functions. In particular, i'm rewriting the VLOOKUP... In this MY_VLOOKUP, I have two boolean variable : 1. error_range, it's true if the range passed in the formula arguments is invalid 2. not_ava, it's true if there is no result (the VLOOKUP result would be #N/A)
In the error handler section i wrote
If error_range Then error_cat = xlErrRef
If not_ava Then error_cat = xlErrNA
Err.Raise error_cat
but I get a "#VALUE" error in the cell. When debugging, i realised that err.raise doesn't work and generates this "#VALUE" error How can i get a "#N/D" o "#REF" error in the cell?
You can get many errors when using Excel Formulas. They can be like
etc.I usually use
to trap these kind of errors. Here is an example.I paste the code , maybe it will bu useful for someone
(thanks to Siddharth Rout for the help)