I have a question about sending and receiving data with special chars. (German Umlauts)
When I send the string "Café Zeezicht" with the code below, then on the server-side the string is oke.
But how can I receive and decode the receiving data that containing the same chars? Now it look likes "Caf? Zeezicht"
I am searching for a pure LUA function, because I have no ability to load libraries.
-- Function voor converting ASCII naar UTF8
-- return char as utf8 string
local function CodeToUTF8 (Unicode)
if (Unicode == nil) then
return ""
if (Unicode < 0x20) then return ' '; end;
if (Unicode <= 0x7F) then return string.char(Unicode); end;
if (Unicode <= 0x7FF) then
local Byte0 = 0xC0 + math.floor(Unicode / 0x40);
local Byte1 = 0x80 + (Unicode % 0x40);
return string.char(Byte0, Byte1);
if (Unicode <= 0xFFFF) then
local Byte0 = 0xE0 + math.floor(Unicode / 0x1000);
local Byte1 = 0x80 + (math.floor(Unicode / 0x40) % 0x40);
local Byte2 = 0x80 + (Unicode % 0x40);
return string.char(Byte0, Byte1, Byte2);
return ""; -- ignore UTF-32 for the moment
-- convert ascii string to utf8 string
function AsciiToUTF8(str)
result = ""
for i = 1, #str do
result = result .. CodeToUTF8(string.byte(str, i, i+1))
return result
-- Einde Function voor converting ASCII naar UTF8