As an exercice in pytorch framework (0.4.1) , I am trying to display the gradient of X (gX or dSdX) in a simple Linear layer (Z = X.W + B). To simplify my toy example, I backward() from a sum of Z (not a loss).
To sum up, I want gX(dSdX) of S=sum(XW+B).
The problem is that the gradient of Z (dSdZ) is None. As a result, gX is wrong too of course.
import torch
X = torch.tensor([[0.5, 0.3, 2.1], [0.2, 0.1, 1.1]], requires_grad=True)
W = torch.tensor([[2.1, 1.5], [-1.4, 0.5], [0.2, 1.1]])
B = torch.tensor([1.1, -0.3])
Z = torch.nn.functional.linear(X, weight=W.t(), bias=B)
S = torch.sum(Z)
print("Z:\n", Z)
print("gZ:\n", Z.grad)
print("gX:\n", X.grad)
tensor([[2.1500, 2.9100],
[1.6000, 1.2600]], grad_fn=<ThAddmmBackward>)
tensor([[ 3.6000, -0.9000, 1.3000],
[ 3.6000, -0.9000, 1.3000]])
I have exactly the same result if I use nn.Module as below:
class Net1Linear(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, wi, wo,W,B):
super(Net1Linear, self).__init__()
self.linear1 = torch.nn.Linear(wi, wo)
self.linear1.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(W.t())
self.linear1.bias = torch.nn.Parameter(B)
def forward(self, x):
return self.linear1(x)
net = Net1Linear(3,2,W,B)
Z = net(X)
S = torch.sum(Z)
print("Z:\n", Z)
print("gZ:\n", Z.grad)
print("gX:\n", X.grad)
blue-phoenox, thanks for your answer. I am pretty happy to have heard about register_hook().
What led me to think that I had a wrong gX is that it was independant of the values of X. I will have to do the math to understand it. But using CCE Loss instead of SUM makes things much more clean. So I updated the example for those who might be interested. Using SUM was a bad idea in this case.
First of all you only calculate gradients for tensors where you enable the gradient by setting the
.So your output is just as one would expect. You get the gradient for
.PyTorch does not save gradients of intermediate results for performance reasons. So you will just get the gradient for those tensors you set
.However you can use
to extract the intermediate grad during calculation or to save it manually. Here I just save it to thegrad
variable of tensorZ
:This will output:
Hope this helps!
Btw.: Normally you would want the gradient to be activated for your parameters - so your weights and biases. Because what you would do right now when using the optimizer, is altering your inputs
and not your weightsW
and biasB
. So usually gradient is activated forW
in such a case.