I have specific problem with some inbound messages that contains quotes(for example) 's-Hertogenbosch and i need to escape the first single quote because i can't inject whole node-set in the DataBase..can anyone tell me solution how can i ignore that quote?..or briefly how at all can i dynamically escape unnecessary quotes in every inbound message except first and last one.
I tryed with translate($InboundMessage, ' " ', "(blankspace)" ) and it worked fine but it removed all quotes..i need to keep first and last one..for example my Inbound message is
'Last year i visited 's-Hertogenbosch '..that single quote makes harm because on the output i got 'Last year i visited' without the name of the city.
Try this expression....
Or, if you want to do it for double quotes...
EDIT: If you can only use XSLT1.0 and XPATH 1.0, then you have to do some string manipluation
Alternatively, given your comment about building SQL, you could just replace all apostrophes, and put the outer apostrophes back in the SQL string you build