I need a button to move in the view, when it is clicked. I have bind the the button in the following way (Android)
set.Bind(_paramsButton).For(pb => pb.LeftMargin).To(vm => vm.ButtonX).OneWay();
set.Bind(_paramsButton).For(pb => pb.TopMargin).To(vm => vm.ButtonY).OneWay();
set.Bind(_paramsButton).For(pb => pb.Height).To(vm => vm.ButtonHight).OneWay();
set.Bind(_paramsButton).For(pb => pb.Width).To(vm => vm.ButtonWidth).OneWay();
In the viewModel i have the 'normal' properties
private int _buttonX;
public int ButtonX
get { return _buttonX; }
set { _buttonX = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => ButtonX); }
This is working fine. Now i have 10 buttons and want to bind like
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
set.Bind(_paramsButton[i]).For(pb => pb.LeftMargin).To(vm => vm.ButtonX[i]).OneWay();
set.Bind(_paramsButton[i]).For(pb => pb.TopMargin).To(vm => vm.ButtonY[i]).OneWay();
set.Bind(_paramsButton[i]).For(pb => pb.Height).To(vm => vm.ButtonHight[i]).OneWay();
set.Bind(_paramsButton[i]).For(pb => pb.Width).To(vm => vm.ButtonWidth[i]).OneWay();
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
set.Bind(_paramsButton[i]).For(pb => pb.LeftMargin).To(vm => vm.Button[i].X).OneWay();
set.Bind(_paramsButton[i]).For(pb => pb.TopMargin).To(vm => vm.Button[i].Y).OneWay();
set.Bind(_paramsButton[i]).For(pb => pb.Height).To(vm => vm.Button[i].Height).OneWay();
set.Bind(_paramsButton[i]).For(pb => pb.Width).To(vm => vm.Button[i].Width).OneWay();
My problem is in the viewModel, I don't know how to get the RaisePropertyChanged to fire on the individual items in the array list. Does anybody have an example on how to declare the integer array in the modelView?
The general answer is that if you want to fire
for a sub-viewModel, then the easiest way is to make that sub-viewModel supportINotifyPropertyChanged
So, for example, you could have a ButtonViewModel subclass like:
and your page-level ViewModel could then store a
of those:In general, this is the way to approach the problem - and this should allow the binding to work.
However... in the case of your specific code, there is another problem to consider.
Your binding statement includes a for-loop variable in the binding expression:
I'm afraid this simply won't work - MvvmCross's expression walking doesn't have any built-in evaluation for these types of local-variable expressions.
You could instead generate a string for the binding statement like:
As some other alternatives:
objects - each with their own internal bindings. For more on this idea, see N=32 in http://slodge.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/n32-truth-about-viewmodels-starring.html