Possible Duplicate:
create RDF from XML
I am sorry for asking this question for the second time, I am still still having problem in generating rdf from the following xml file.
<website url="www.example1.com">contact1</website >
<website url="www.example2.com">contact2</website>
I think using jena might solve the issue , but I am not sure how to do so, since each has got three properties and I would like the out put to look like the following
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.example.com/xml">
<rdf:Description rdf:about=Joe >
<rdf:Description rdf:about=Anna>
Thanks in advance for any help
You can't parse the XML with Jena, unless it is RDF/XML.
You'll have to use XLST to transform the XML to RDF or parse the XML with a Java XML library to get the data and create the triples from the data of interest.
Using XSLT is fairly simple, as demonstrated from the example below.
Since the website is URL I'd use it as a URI rather than a literal. Also, FOAF is common for names. So, I'd use something like:
This will give you:
You can then load the RDF file into Jena
I would suggest using XSLT to convert that XML into RDF. Since it is probably very regular, the XSLT will be quite straightforward to write and apply to get the RDF you want. Then you can use Jena to parse the resulting RDF and do something with that.