I ran into a problem that I cannot seem to solve, I'm guessing I'm missing some points in terms of async behaviour.
The task is relatively simple: A wallet with money in different currencies needs to be transformed into a single currency. I want to get the exchange rate from following API:
With ${from} being the starting currency and ${to} the target currency.
I store the different currencies in an object called positions, that looks like this:
{'currency': "EUR",
"amount": 10},
{'currency': "CNY",
"amount": 100},
So the task would be to transform the 100EUR and 100CNY in for example USD.
To gather the exchange rates, I want to iterate through the single positions in following function:
collectExRates(targetCurrency) {
let exRatesDict = {}
this.positions.forEach( (position) => {
exRatesDict[position.currency] = this.parseUrl(position.currency, targetCurrency)
return exRatesDict
And with parseUrl being:
parseUrl(from, to) {
const exRateName = from + '_' + to;
var rate;
return fetchUrl(`https://free.currencyconverterapi.com/api/v5/convert?q=${from}_${to}&compact=y`, function(error, meta, body){
rate = JSON.parse(body)[exRateName].val
console.log("RATE", rate)
return rate
I already tried a couple of things (like creating an async forEach, Promises, async await, etc.), but I just can not get the intended result, which is to return the exchange rates dictionary mapping a currency to it's respective exchange rate.
I will be very thankful for any help.
You should try something like this:
The problem is that async methods returns Promise and you need to wait them to resolve. The common pattern to do this is next:
So basically you are initializing bunch of async calls, waiting for them to resolve with
and only after that preform some operations on resolved data.