When Value Changes i want to Calcualte the Sum
<tr ng-repeat="act in ctrl.otsact.tests" ng-if="ctrl.editToggle">
<input type="text" ng-model="act.test_date" class="dateField" aria-label="Test Date">
<td ng-repeat="sub in act.subjects" >
<input type="number" ng-model="sub.score" aria-label="Score">
<td class="composite">
<td><span ng-click="ctrl.removeOTSACT(act.id)"> x </span></td>
Date of Test English Math Reading Science Writing Composite
2017-05-29 13 13 13 13 13 65
2017-05-29 2 2 2 2 2 10
Want to calcluate the Composite when Loading
change your view like this
try this :
Your view:
As you are using ngModel directive or using interpolation, your data is two-way-bound and function value will be recalculated every time you change your model.