i'm trying to fix problem in my program and this problem is when i start download video the program not responding and i can't see also progress bar move so i tried used threading module but i can't fix problem so how i can fix problem
From this code I can download the video and send the data to another function to retrieve information that I use to connect it to the progress bar
def video(self):
video_url = self.lineEdit_4.text()
video_save = self.lineEdit_3.text()
pafy_video = pafy.new(video_url)
type_video = pafy_video.videostreams
quality = self.comboBox.currentIndex()
start_download = type_video[quality].download(filepath=video_save,callback=self.video_progressbar)
This code is received information from video function to connect with progress bar
def video_progressbar(self,total, recvd, ratio, rate, eta):
self.progressBar_2.setValue(ratio * 100)
I use;python3.5 pyqt5 pafy
One way to move to another thread is to create a
that lives in another thread and execute that task in a slot. And that slot must be invoked throughQMetaObject::invokeMethod
or a signal.with QThread and QMetaObject::invokeMethod:
with threading.Thread