I'm getting errors like:
"IndyProtocols5 does not use or support IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders.."
when attempting to install Indy 9 or 10 with my Delphi5 and notice it is a problem for others. This causes the exception:
"Could not load SSL library"
when using IdHttp.IOHandler.
The applications I have inherited include so many unsupported D5 components, upgrading to D6+ is unfortunately beyond my skillset. I want to initially use Indy for posting and downloading CSV, but potentially calling web services too.
Is there a known workaround for this or should I start looking in to other options like ICS which may still work with D5.
All versions of Indy SSL support require the OpenSSL libraries libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll. (http://www.indyproject.org/Sockets/SSL.EN.aspx)
The older versions of Indy required custom built SSL libraries. The older ones should work here: http://indy.fulgan.com/SSL/Archive/
I copied his solution for SSLOptions.Method := sslvSSLv23 from INDY 10.1.5 - Which SSL dlls work with Delphi 2006? and it stops the error. This is with the latest Indy9 version.
I do not know the significance of sslvSSLv23 and still don't know why Indy10 doesn't install but I'll see how I get on with Indy9.