I have a large html file with some css in it. This html forms the body for follow up email after filling in a form. The way it is implemented now, is by string concatenation, which I don't like. The new html email body is also larger. I figured I could do it using angulars $compile function but I cant get it to work correctly.
This is the link to the plunk. I have tried this (which is the current state of the plunk) and also the answer of this question.
The completed and 'interpolated' (whatever that means) string is a parameter for a REST call to the server, which will send the actual email. So I would like to keep the creation of the template in a function which the user can execute with for example a ng-click. This is what I mean:
composer.$inject = ["$http", "$compile", "$scope", "$templateRequest", "$timeout"];
function composer($http, $compile, $scope, $templateRequest, $timeout) {
$scope.person = {
function compose() {
var template = angular.element(html);
$timeout(function() {
$scope.htmlitem = template.html();
I really wonder why it doesn't work.
You need to append
complied result
before gettemplate.html()
.Fixed plunker.
With a little trick by using
to complie template and provide the value back to your controller. Hope it works, any problems let me know plz.