I am working wth a data structure, and I am looping through a couple nodes and here is the json data I get.
Snap (20171012) {
"-KwM45HyW4UduQgKTGn6" = {
ImageName = "Screen Shot 2017-10-13 at 11.24.51 AM.png";
fileURL = "";
thumbFileUrl = "";
user = "User not defined";
"-KwM4limD2aRyHgeKE5P" = {
ImageName = "test.png";
fileURL = "";
thumbFileUrl = "";
user = "User not defined";
After this, I can access the "snap" value using my data.key to get the "20171012"
ref.child(myselected_spot!).observe(DataEventType.value, with: { (snapshot) in
if snapshot.childrenCount > 0 {
for mydata in snapshot.children.allObjects as! [DataSnapshot]
if mydata.key.characters.count == 8 {
self.formattedDates.append(convertDate(stringDate: mydata.key))
How would I get the value for "ImageName"
is anotherDataSnapshot
, so you can access all methods and properties of that class. In this case you're looking forDataSnapshot.childSnapshotForPath:
:Pretty simple - I do not know what the variable
is but I am going to assume it's-KwM45HyW4UduQgKTGn6
. If the below code does not yield results - I will need to know what that variable is.