This question is an exact duplicate of:
- Uninstalling program 1 answer
If I run the code below I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to get the Product Name and GUID (ex. App Path | {xxx}) for the application. But I'm only getting the path and no GUID is shown. Can someone help me?
// search in: LocalMachine_64
key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall");
foreach (String keyName in key.GetSubKeyNames())
RegistryKey subkey = key.OpenSubKey(keyName);
displayName = Convert.ToString(subkey.GetValue("DisplayName"));
uninstlString = Convert.ToString(subkey.GetValue("UninstallString"));
if (p_name.Equals(displayName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
//string prdctId = uninstlString.Substring((uninstlString.IndexOf("{")));
string prdctId = uninstlString.Substring(12);
uninstallProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "MsiExec.exe";
uninstallProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = " /x " + prdctId + " /quiet /norestart";
uninstallProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
I believe the
value is what gets executed when uninstalling an application viaAdd/Remove Programs
. As your console output shows, it's the path to an executable.The way you are retrieving the product ID...
...therefore, is incorrect because you are taking a partial path. What you need to pass to
MsiExec.exe /x
is the product code, which is the registry key name itself, i.e....If you were invoking that command line from
Command Prompt
I'm pretty sure the curly brackets would necessitate putting quotes around the product code; I'm not sure if you'll need to do so when invoking the executable directly, but it can't hurt...