I am trying to create an executable from python 3.6.4 using pyinstaller 3.3.1. The packages I am using are Pandas and openpyxl. When I try to create the bundle I receive this error.
$ RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison
I have tried increasing my recursion limit and most of the steps described in How to Report Bugs and the error is still the same. I also got the same error when I tried bundling
import openpyxl
print("Hello World")
so I think the problem has to do with openpyxl but pyinstaller is supposed to be compatible with this. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Install the development version, it should have been resolved in #2919:
Remove the build & dist folder, and try run your pyinstaller yourscript.py again. For my case, python 3.6.3 version still be able to run it.