I saw routing where the controller and the action are hidden and url is constructed like www.domain.com/en/page-33/category-28/product-89?param=some_param
. In this routing when I try to get the parameters with var_dump(Yii::$app->getRequest()->getQueryParams())
I got array like so :
array(4) { ["first_step"]=> string(7) "page-33" ["second_step"]=> string(11) "category-28" ['product']=> string(10) "product-89" ['param']=> string(10) "some_param"}
How can I do that ? I saw the rules and they are
'<first_step>/<second_step>/<product>/<test>/<test2>/<test3>/<test4>' => 'page/index',
'<first_step>/<second_step>/<product>/<test>/<test2>/<test3>' => 'page/index',
'<first_step>/<second_step>/<product>/<test>/<test2>' => 'page/index',
'<first_step>/<second_step>/<product>/<test>' => 'page/index',
'<first_step>/<second_step>/<product>' => 'page/index'
'<first_step>//<product>' => 'page/index',
'<first_step>/<second_step>' => 'page/index',
'<first_step>' => 'page/index'
I tried to make it this way at home but when I dump the Yii::$app->getRequest()->getQueryParams()
it is an empty array. How this url is made like a GET parameters ( if I understood right ). I red articles about how to hide the controller and action in the url but how can I make it this way ? Thank you in advance!
P.S. page-33
- first part e.g page
is the title of the page stored in db and the second one e.g. 33
is the id.
I will give an example, and i hope you will see the pattern from it how to make it work in your specific case.
Let's say you want to implement a simple search. There is your searchform, you submit the params for an action, to the
. Here you can process your parameters what was sent to it.After this, set your url rules in a url-manager config file like this:
So this way if your application recognizes a rule, it will parse it and send the request to the right route.
You will need another action in your SearchController: