If i need to run same one method with two different browser at the same time then how will i implement it? For example:
public class AppTest2{
public void login(String userName , String password, String param){
//do something
//do something else
in my testng.xml file contains:
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<suite name ="My sutie" parallel = "methods", thread-count="5">
<parameter name="browser" value="firefox"/>
<test name ="My Test1">
<class name="mq.demo.selenium.AppTest2"/>
So my target is to run the login method in two different browser at the same time using two different thread.
Can anyone Help?
You can consider something like the below as a possible solution
The suite xml file can look like below
So as you can see, here we are resorting to using a TestNG listener called
implementation which is going to help us construct the<test>
tags in the suite xml file dynamically and the number of<test>
tags in the suite xml file will be directly equal to the number of browsers specified either via the suite level parameterbrowserFlavors
(or) via the JVM argument-DbrowserFlavors
The output would be as below