I have few jasmine unit test that are run by Resharper 2016.3, but suddenly all tests are "Ignored : Task skipped on timeout".
I cannot figure out what is causing this behaviour. All I know so far that for some reason Resharper test runner cannot find definition for "jasmineRequire.html = function(j$) {..." jasmineRequire, and it looks like this file is wrapped inside Resharper somewhere.
Can somebody help?
I ran a comparison test, same code with R# 2016.2.1, jasmine version 2.4 and all jasmine unit tests passed. But R# 2016.3 with any version of jasmine give the error above.
I raised this issue with Resharper and the solution is provided as follows
Rename any custom files that contains name "Jasmine-Something.js" to "JasmineSomething.js".