I want to add the eclipse plugin for HSQLdb.
WHAT I DID : I have downloaded HSQLdb plugin from http://sourceforge.net/projects/hsqldb-plugin/files/
then i followed steps mentioned in a blog http://jobinwilson.blogspot.in/2010/05/adding-hsqldb-plugin-to-eclipse.html as
3.Unzip the HSQLDBPlugin zip,you will get two folders hsqldb.core and hsqldb.ui
4.Copy both the folders into ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins folder
5.Navigate to ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/hsqldb.ui folder from command prompt/shell
6.run the command jar cvf ui.jar -C bin . (note the ending dot,denotes the current folder).This command will generate ui.jar
7.restart eclipse
After doing this, the option of HSQLdb has populated in the menu, but when I am trying to do "Add Database Engine Nature", am getting an error.
Cannot add HSQLDb Engine nature: org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchWindow can not be cast to org.eclipse.jface.window.ApplicationWindow
If anyone has faced the same issue or knows how to resolve it. Thanks.
Most likely is due to the fact that the plugin was last updated in 2004. Apparently some Eclipse library APIs have changed since then. There's a newer version here: