I have to call method of a class. This method potentially exists or not.
I'm looking for a solution from 2 hours.
The following works without parameter sayHello()
I have the class :
class myClass: NSObject {
func say(something:String){
print("I say : \(something)")
func sayHello(){
1st step : Create a selector from a string with a parameter
let selector = NSSelectorFromString("sayHello" )
let selectorWithParam = NSSelectorFromString("say:" )
2nd step : Test if the method exist
self.bot?.responds(to: selector)// true
self.bot?.responds(to: selectorWithParam) // false
it doesn't work with a parameter!
Beside, i tried with the Swift3 #selector
, but I found no way to enter a method from a string
The Swift method
is mapped to Objective-C as
and therefore the correct selector would be
is less error-prone: