I'm trying to create D3 SVG Symbols, with the symbol shape set dynamically based on a category property in the data. This will be part of a custom visual in PowerBI, so I'm using Typings library.
From the examples I've seen online, the below code should work.
var milestoneSymbols = this.milestoneContainer.selectAll('.path').data(viewModel.milestones);
milestoneSymbols.attr('d', d3.svg.symbol()
.type( function(d){ return d.typeSymbol})
milestoneSymbols.attr("transform", function(d,i) {
return "translate("+ xScale(d.date) + ","
+ ((i % heightGroups) * (milestoneContainerHeight/heightGroups) + margins.top )
+ ")";
milestoneSymbols.style("stroke", "function(d) { return findTaskTypeShape(d.label).color; }
.style("stroke-width", 1)
.style("fill", function(d) { return findTaskTypeShape(d.label).color; });
But I get the error Property 'typeSymbol' does not exist on type '{}'
for the code .type( function(d){ return d.typeSymbol})
. It appears that d
is not available inside type()
because it's being used in the d3.svg.symbol()
code. If I replace the anonymous function with a string literal like "square", it works.
How can this be fixed?
Typescript does not know anything about your data object type. You can define the data object type or you could try to use the type any: