Im trying to make stars on the sky, but the stars distribution isnt even.
This is what i tried:
rx = rand(0.0f, PI*2.0f);
ry = rand(0.0f, PI);
x = sin(ry)*sin(rx)*range;
y = sin(ry)*cos(rx)*range;
z = cos(ry)*range;
Which results to:
rx = rand(-1.0f, 1.0f);
ry = rand(-1.0f, 1.0f);
rz = rand(-1.0f, 1.0f);
x = rx*range;
y = ry*range;
z = rz*range;
Which results to:
(doesnt make a sphere, but opengl will not tell a difference, though).
As you can see, there is always some "corner" where are more points in average. How can i create random points on a sphere where the points will be distributed evenly?
You don't need trigonometry if you can generate random gaussian variables, you can do (pseudocode)
Or draw points inside the unit cube until one of them is inside the unit ball, then normalize:
you can do
Here rand(u,v) draws a uniform random from interal [u,v]
It looks like you can see that it's the cartesian coordinates that are creating the concentrations.
Here is an explanation of one right (and wrong) way to get a proper distribution.