I'm working on an Adobe AIR application which can upload files to a web server, which is running Apache and PHP. Several files can be uploaded at the same time and the application also calls the web server for various API requests.
The problem I'm having is that if I start two file uploads, while they are in progress any other HTTP requests will time out, which is causing a problem for the application and from a user point of view.
Are Adobe AIR applications limited to 2 HTTP connections, or is something else probably the issue? From searching about this issue I've not found much but one article did indicated that it wasn't limited to just two connections.
The file uploads are performed by calling the File classes upload method, and the API calls are done using the HTTPService class. The development web server I am using is a WAMP server, however when the application is released it will be talking to a LAMP server.
Thanks, Grant
Here is the code I'm using to upload the file:
protected function btnAddFile_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
// Create a new File object and display the browse file dialog
var uploadFile:File = new File();
uploadFile.browseForOpen("Select File to Upload");
uploadFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, uploadFile_SelectedHandler);
private function uploadFile_SelectedHandler(event:Event):void
// Get the File object which was used to select the file
var uploadFile:File = event.target as File;
uploadFile.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, file_progressHandler);
uploadFile.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, file_ioErrorHandler);
uploadFile.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, file_completeHandler);
// Create the request URL based on the download URL
var requestURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(AppEnvironment.instance.serverHostname + "upload.php");
requestURL.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
// Set the post parameters
var params:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
params.name = "filename.ext";
requestURL.data = params;
// Start uploading the file to the server
uploadFile.upload(requestURL, "file");
Here is the code for the API calls:
private function sendHTTPPost(apiFile:String, postParams:Object, resultCallback:Function, initialCallerResultCallback:Function):void
var httpService:mx.rpc.http.HTTPService = new mx.rpc.http.HTTPService();
httpService.url = AppEnvironment.instance.serverHostname + apiFile;
httpService.method = "POST";
httpService.requestTimeout = 10;
httpService.resultFormat = HTTPService.RESULT_FORMAT_TEXT;
httpService.addEventListener("result", resultCallback);
httpService.addEventListener("fault", httpFault);
var token:AsyncToken = httpService.send(postParams);
// Add the initial caller's result callback function to the token
token.initialCallerResultCallback = initialCallerResultCallback;
So as I was looking into this, I came across this info about using File.upload() in the documentation:
I wonder if something there could be giving you issues with uploading multiple files. I see that you are using browserForOpen() instead of browse(). It seems like the probably do the same thing... but maybe not.
I also saw this in the File class documentation
When you say that you let users upload multiple files, do you mean subsequent calls to browse() and upload() or do you mean one call that includes multiple files? It seems that if you are trying to do multiple separate calls that that may be an issue.
Anyway, I don't know if this is much help. It definitely seems that what you are trying to do should be possible. I can only guess that what is going wrong is perhaps a problem with implementation. Good luck :)
Reference: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/net/FileReference.html#upload()
Just because I was thinking about a very similar question because of an error in one of my actual apps, I decided to write down the answer I found.
I instantiated 11
and was wondering why my Flex 4 Application stopped working and threw an HTTP-Error although it was working pretty good formerly with just 5 simultanious HttpConnections to the same server.
I tested this myself because I did not find anything regarding this in the Flex docs or on the internet.
I found that using more than 5 HTTPConnections was the reason for the Flex application to throw the runtime error.
I decided to instantiate the connections one after another as a temporally workaround: Load the next one after the other has received the data and so on. Thats of course just temporally since one of the next steps will be to alter the responding server code in that way that it answers a request that contains the results of requests to more then one table in one respond. Of course the client application logic needs to be altered, too.
If you are on a windows system, Adobe AIR is using Microsofts WinINet library to access the web. This library by default limits the number of concurrent connections to a single server to 2:
There is an API to change the value of this limit but I don't know if it is accessible from AIR.
Since this limit also affects page loading speed for web sites, some sites are using multiple DNS names for artifacts such as images, javascripts and stylesheets to allow a browser to open more parallel connections.
So if you are controlling the server part, a workaround could be to create DNS aliases like
for uploads andapi.example.com
for API requests.