I have registers instantiated in a Register block Regblock
as such:
All these registers have the same inner structure. I would like to simulate the effects of bit flips in these registers.
//Here an attempt to do bit flips
bitFlipLocation = $random;
force DUT.RegBlock.Register1.reg[bitFlipLocation] = ~DUT.RegBlock.Register1.reg[bitFlipLocation];
release DUT.ABCStar1.RegBlock.Register1.reg[bitFlipLocation];
Is there a way to create a loop over all DUT.Regblock.Register1, RegisterA, RegisterABC, ...
inside RegBlock
and create these bit flips?
Following dave's answer I implemented the VPI code in C to loop over all register within
and randomly force bit flips at some positions (register is 32 bit wide).There are ways to do this, but not within the SystemVerilog language itself. You can write VPI code in C to iterate over block names and apply the forces use the C API. Or you can use tool specific commands to iterate of block names and use commands (usually Tcl) to apply the forces.
Both of those are beyond the scope of what can be shown in this forum.