Trying to stylize a SVG of this multi-color HTML image using CSS so that the right side of the 5 is white on hover.
body {
background-color: gray;
svg {
height: 50vh;
fill: white;
.html5 g.st2 .st0 {
fill: transparent;
.html5:hover path.st0 {
fill: #e44d26;
.html5:hover path.st1 {
fill: #f16529;
.html5:hover g.st2 .st0 {
fill: white;
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewbox="-561 1804 379 407" style="enable-background:new -561 1804 379 407;" xml:space="preserve" class="html5">
<path class="st0" d="M-427.3,1975.7h55.3v-42.9h-59.2L-427.3,1975.7z M-539.3,1821l30.5,341.7l136.8,38l136.9-37.9l30.5-341.8
C-204.7,1821-539.3,1821-539.3,1821z M-261.3,2141l-110.7,30.7v-43.5l-0.1,0l-85.9-23.8l-6-67.3h42.1l3.1,34.9l46.7,12.6l0.1,0v-67
h-93.7l-11.3-126.7h105v-41.9h136.8L-261.3,2141z" />
<path class="st1" d="M-320.4,2017.6H-372v67l46.7-12.6L-320.4,2017.6z M-372,1848.9v41.9h105l-3.8,41.9H-372v42.9h97.4l-11.5,128.7
l-85.9,23.8v43.5l110.7-30.7l26.1-292.1L-372,1848.9L-372,1848.9z" />
<g class="st2">
<polygon class="st0" points="-372,1890.8 -477,1890.8 -465.7,2017.6 -372,2017.6 -372,1975.7 -427.3,1975.7 -431.2,1932.8
-372,1932.8 " />
<polygon class="st0" points="-372,2084.6 -372.1,2084.6 -418.7,2072 -421.9,2037.1 -463.9,2037.1 -457.9,2104.4 -372.1,2128.2
-372,2128.2 " />
If you open the original svg ( in Illustrator and grab the SVG code you'll notice there's no path/class to manipulate it with. Not sure if the problem can be addressed in CSS or needs to be done in illustrator but any ideas or help would be appreciated.
Try this svg code: