Details about the application:
- Developed under Visual Studio 2019 (Windows 10)
- Designed on
platform withC#
The application receives information from a remote server. A connection with sockets is used for communication between the two parties.
To communicate with the server, the application must send the data in a Byte Array so that it can be read correctly.
Currently I use this method to pass my variables in bytes[]:
var ID_MESSAGE_ARRAY = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)MESSAGE);
var WAY_ARRAY = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)WAY);
var SIZE_ARRAY = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)SIZE);
var HexString = ID_MESSAGE_ARRAY.Concat(WAY_ARRAY).Concat(SIZE_ARRAY).Concat(TYPE_STATE_DEVICE_ARRAY).Concat(ABO).ToArray();
As a result of this message, I have to send a string
. So I use this method to code my string
into bytes[]
string ABONNE = "TEST";
var ABO = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ABONNE);
But I have a problem, this string
must be on 32 bytes, whereas when I decode (hexa) on the other side I find this:
Obtained result : 54-45-53-54
Expected result : 54-45-53-54-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
To find this result, how can I pass my string ABONNE
in string[32]
and then in bytes[]
to pad your string with a necessary number of nulls.Updated a working example instead of a pseudo-code.
How about if you pass your string to 32 bytes array directly:
Both zeros are for 0-index (start position). Also I have created a 32 bytes array empty, than then it is filled with the bytes from
. Please be carefull that ifEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ABONNE).Length
is greather than 32 bytes, you will get an exception