I have simple MFC dialog type window that calls external dll function and one of parameters is callback function. Callback function creates another dialog window if it is not created and updates label with information from function parameter:
int userNotify ( int iNotificationType, char* pcNotificationText )
if ( !(statusDlg->IsWindowVisible()) )
} else
statusDlg = new StatusDlg(NULL);
return 0;
statusDlg is global variable and is very simple MFC dialog form with one static label. And it has one feature - it is placed on topmost.
BOOL StatusDlg::OnInitDialog()
staticStatus = (CStatic*)GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_TRN_STATUS_DIALOG);
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
Dialog form is shown during callback and label shows required information. But if I try to move form with mouse it becomes like frozen like in picture below and information on label is not updated anymore. Why this happens? How to solve this problem?
When you create
you give it a parent of the Desktop. That is very likely wrong and leads to your later issues. The parent of your second dialog should be the main dialog that invokes it.The parent window pointer will simply be the
pointer when you calluserNotify