What would be the best way to make an element draggable when clicking anywhere in the window?
Would I have to use a container <div>
that covers the whole window?
I tried making the body
draggable but that didn't work.
The problem with using a container <div>
is that it moves and therefore doesn't cover the whole of the screen any more after it has been dragged.
What about making a really vast container <div>
that spans a large number of pixels in every direction so you would never get to the edge of it. Is that a bad idea?
The idea (simplified) is to have a page with a square in the middle that can be dragged by dragging any part of the window.
Here's a wonderfully unnecessary mockup :)
I'm trying with a full screen div, but when I reset it, the element within it moves back with it.. http://jsfiddle.net/LUFf6/
EDIT: revised to include mouse offset from the div.
it really depends on what you are trying to achieve, so we'll need to know a bit more really.
You could just move the draggable div to the top left of the screen and full width/height after each "drop" event?
I personally wouldn't go down the 'vast container' route though.