I am trying to create an app using RoR so I can test the ShopifyAPI. I am using a private App I created via the partner admin portal.
I tried to create a session using the password generated. The session seems to be valid.
def index
sess = ShopifyAPI::Session.new('a75999989b7715f73ae5273497b9bfcb:9eb9f578d9fcfd753713e079@mante-hudson7934.myshopify.com', '9eb9f578d9fcfd753713e0795')
session[:shopify] = sess
flash[:notice] = "Logged in"
redirect_to return_address
session[:return_to] = nil
But when I try to get all the products (products = ShopifyAPI::Product.find(:all, :params => {:limit => 10})
I end up with a 500 error.
here is the debug trace I have:
1: ShopifyAPI::Base.site = https://a75999989b7715f73ae5273497b9bfcb:9eb9f578d9fcfd753713e079596d4fbd@mante-hudson7934.myshopify.com/admin/
and in the browser I have a exception: "Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect"
Apparently there is a problem with my session...
Is there anything I am missing?
Thank you
Actually I tried grabing the products via IRB and end up with a the same 500 Error as well: "Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect"
Not sure why I have this error?
I am indeed under ubuntu environement. I just tried under windows and it seems to work at least in IRB console. As You mentionned I may have a problem with Ubuntu and OpenSSL. I will investigate this lead. Thank you
-------EDIT------- I tried connecting to the API under mac OS X Lion but got the same error. Does anybody is having hard time to connect to the Shopify API? If it's related to openssl is there a way to goet around this?
Thank you
Most likely, your client is trying to connect using TLS 1.2, one of the more recent SSL/TLS protocols used in HTTPS. Our load balancing hardware has a known problem with TLS 1.2, although we weren't aware of it until I independently stumbled upon this bug myself.
I've made the rest of the Operations team aware of this, and I expect we'll be fixing this as soon as possible. Until then, you can use
http.ssl_version = :TLSv1
to force Ruby to use TLS 1.0 instead. (Some clients may need to use
instead.)Here's an example of how to apply this workaround to ActiveResource, the gem that the
gem uses internally:Now you can use
ShopifyAPI::Base.ssl_options = {:ssl_version => :TLSv1}
if necesssary) to work around the problem.