I'm using wordpress + ajax calendar future post plugin ( http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-plugin-ajax-calendar-with-future-posts/ ) + tiptip plugins http://code.drewwilson.com/entry/tiptip-jquery-plugin. I've managed to get them working together, though the tiptip only works on the 2nd hover - What I mean is when you first time hover element after ajax request tiptip doesn't show. I use the calendar as a widget on my home page.
This is the way I activate tiptip.
jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {
$("#wp-calendar").on("hover"," td a", function(){ $(this).tipTip(); });
it works fine for the initial load if I use
$("#wp-calendar td a").tipTip();
, but it disappears after ajax request.
The question is how do I get the tiptip to show the way it supposed to show: on the 'first hover', mouseenter, mouseover etc. I've tried all of those events. AKA: How do I get the first piece of code to work properly.
I've tried to find an answer, which got me to the stage I'm now. It's beyond my 'now-skill' to get pass this.
Well i think that if you make an AJAX call you and recreate the elemenets you must re-initialize the plugin. I think you should put this call
in the success handler of the ajax call AFTER the new elements have been inserted. If you can't control the ajax call try using ajaxComplete()
If you do this, i think you can take away this call:
because you already have reapplied the plugin.