<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
android:title="First Category"
android:title="Checkbox Preference"
android:summary="This preference can be true or false"
android:key="checkboxPref" />
I need to change android:title
font size of PrefereceCategory
, CheckboxPreference
and android:summary
size. These tags don't have any android:textSize
attribute. Can any one help me how to get this?
Finally I was able to solve my problem simply by passing one layout. Maybe this will be helpful to someone. This is my modified preference.xml see below code. We can apply our own properties to pref title and summary.
Please ask me if any queries....Keep Smiling. If this is useful give me one comment.
You can actually take a look at the layout that is used in the specific platform in layout folder located in:
Preferences layouts start with preference_ prefix.
Have a look at my answer to this: Android PreferenceScreen title in two lines.
You can also change the font itself if you want. Just add this:
For me, the layout posted by praneetloke made the widget disappear from preferences that have an associated widget, e.g. a checkbox. There is a LinearLayout with id/widget_frame that is needed for the widget. The following worked for me, on Android 2.3 through 4.2.2. The only change that I needed to make was set android:visibility="gone" on the layout that contains the preference icon, which was not available in Gingerbread.
References: The default dimensions used in the layout are here GrepCode /res/values/dimens.xml. The actual preference item layout is here GrepCode /res/layout/preference_holo.xml. Note that there is also a non-holo version called preference.xml.
I modified Kumar's answer to this for ICS and above. I placed this layout in values-v11 to target devices API level 11+.
Just a minor revision on the layout code. "@+android:id/summary" is causing Cannot Resolve Symbol for me. so i remove the '+' sign and the code works