I have installed openstack (liberty release). All the services are installed on the VM. Now i am trying to integrate the Ironic service and trying to provision the physical server. Nova compute service has configured for baremetal hypervisor and the command "nova hypervisor-stats" shows the correct output.
However, when i am trying to launch the instance from horizon , getting error
No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.
somehow , nova compute service is not able to connect to baremetal node OR ironic service. In fact , i have referred the doc : openstack troubleshoot doc
but no luck.
please suggest
This typically happens when Nova scheduler tries to find a suitable host to instantiate your VM and then could not succeed. Nova scheduler first runs the list of all available hosts through a series of filters to narrow down the list to the best possible hosts that are capable of running that instance.
ExactRamFilter tries to match a host with the same amount of RAM as the amount of RAM specified in the flavor chosen for the VM. Either create a new flavor or use an existing flavor with exact RAM as the hosts, and you should be able to create the VM successfully (unless you run into some other issues).