I'm trying to achieve a autocomplete input field with typeahead (twitter bootstrap). This autocomplete field should be in a modal but I cant seem to get it working! It also must be observable with knockout because when you select a value other fields should be updated to.
So I'm kinda looking to do this in a modal!
<div class="messageBox">
<div class="modal-header">
<h2>Adding a repairline</h2>
<div class="modal-body" style="width: 35em;">
<form data-bind="submit: ok">
<!--<legend></legend> Deze niet toevoegen uitlijning is dan niet goed!-->
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6">
<input type="text" id="testen" data-provide="typeahead" />
<input data-bind="value: Code" required />
<input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Add" />
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn" data-bind="click: closeModal">Cancel</button>
define(function (require) {
var dataservice = require('services/dataservice'),
allCustomers = ko.observableArray([]),
repairlines = ko.observableArray([]);
function init() {
dataservice = new dataservice('api/data');
dataservice.getAllRows('AllCustomers').then(function (data) {
data.results.forEach(function (item) {
}).fail(function () {
dataservice.getAllRows('EntireRepairLineLib').then(function (data) {
data.results.forEach(function (item) {
}).fail(function () {
$('.testen .typeahead').typeahead({
name: 'countries',
prefetch: 'http://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js/data/countries.json',
limit: 10
AddRepairOrderLineModal = function (loggedInEmployee) {
//later ook customer en repairorder meegeven!
this.allCustomers = allCustomers;
this.choosenCustomerId = ko.observable(); //holds the Id of the chosen customer
this.Description = ko.observable();
this.Code = ko.observable();
this.Mat = ko.observable();
this.Location = ko.observable();
this.Rep = ko.observable();
this.Dum = ko.observable();
this.Dam = ko.observable();
this.Qty = ko.observable();
this.Hours = ko.observable();
this.Tariff = ko.observable();
this.Costs = ko.observable();
this.CreationDate = (new Date().getMonth() + 1) + "-" + new Date().getDate() + "-" + new Date().getFullYear();
this.IsAgreement = ko.observable(true);
this.IsAuthorized = ko.observable(true);
this.DoRepair = ko.observable(true);
this.selectedEmployee = loggedInEmployee;
/* $(".repairlinename").autocomplete({
source: repairlines
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#testen').append(' Leroy');
AddRepairOrderLineModal.prototype.ok = function () {
var jsonObj = [];
Description: this.Description(), Code: this.Code(),
Mat: this.Mat(), Location: this.Location(),
Rep: this.Rep(), Dum: this.Dum(), Dam: this.Dam(),
CustomerId: this.choosenCustomerId(), Qty: this.Qty(), Hours: this.Hours(),
Tariff: this.Tariff(), Costs: this.Costs(), CreationDate: this.CreationDate,
IsAgreement: this.IsAgreement(), IsAuthorized: this.IsAuthorized(), DoRepair: this.DoRepair(),
AddRepairOrderLineModal.prototype.closeModal = function () {
return this.modal.close();
return AddRepairOrderLineModal;
/*define(['durandal/app','services/dataservice'], function(app,dataservice) {
AddRepairOrderLineModal = function (loggedInEmployee) {
//later ook customer en repairorder meegeven!
this.Description = ko.observable();
this.Code = ko.observable();
this.Mat = ko.observable();
this.Location = ko.observable();
this.Rep = ko.observable();
this.Dum = ko.observable();
this.Dam = ko.observable();
this.Customer = ko.observable();
this.Qty = ko.observable();
this.Hours = ko.observable();
this.Tariff = ko.observable();
this.Costs = ko.observable();
this.CreationDate = (new Date().getMonth() + 1) + "-" + new Date().getDate() + "-" + new Date().getFullYear();
this.IsAgreement = ko.observable(true);
this.IsAuthorized = ko.observable(true);
this.DoRepair = ko.observable(true);
this.selectedEmployee = loggedInEmployee;
AddRepairOrderLineModal.prototype.ok = function () {
var jsonObj = [];
Description: this.Description(), Code: this.Code(),
Mat: this.Mat(), Location: this.Location(),
Rep: this.Rep(), Dum: this.Dum(), Dam: this.Dam(),
Customer: this.Customer(), Qty: this.Qty(), Hours: this.Hours(),
Tariff: this.Tariff(), Costs: this.Costs(), CreationDate: this.CreationDate,
IsAgreement: this.IsAgreement(), IsAuthorized: this.IsAuthorized(), DoRepair: this.DoRepair()
AddRepairOrderLineModal.prototype.closeModal = function() {
return this.modal.close();
return AddRepairOrderLineModal;
I hope someone can help me on how to do this! The source is repairlines, these are all filled in correctly
I would comment, but can't so here's my note. In your example you have a same origin policy (SOP) issue. So the data from the twitter page isn't getting pulled in. That pretty much kills the process so you don't end up with anything.
I found that if I include the appropriate styles (such as one for tt-dropdown-menu):
and have a functioning dataset it works fine. Here's a fiddle of my attempt http://jsfiddle.net/rUdXt/ and here is a great page that helped me (especially with the styles http://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js/examples/).
I have fixed this problem by adding some extra code to the library: https://github.com/billpull/knockout-bootstrap
This is the knockout-bootstrap.js, where ko.bindingHandlers.typeahead is rewritten so it accept updates, minLength en items. Just load this script in.
In your HTML do this.
This is my viewmodel:
Hope people will understand this ;), hope it helps, alot of credits go to Bill Pull ;) and Alex Preston
You would need to bind the typeahead input to an array exposed on your view model. I don't think you are doing either at the moment.
To do the bindings you should use knockout-bootstrap bindings found here: http://billpull.github.io/knockout-bootstrap/
Once you have included the above knockout-bootstrap bindings you can do this in your view:
Then make sure you are adding repairlines to your VM instance. Adding it to your this reference should do the trick.
Hope this helps and good luck :-)
Cannot understand this as it is TOO messy. That is, the typeahead bit is mix in with all your other stuff. What about a simple example that has only typeahead stuff and maybe is composed to a view/viewmodel like a widget so it can be reused.
Then we could have a chance to understand it