I have date format in my local machine : (d/M/yyyy h:mm tt) ==> (23/6/2011 4:30 PM)
when i publish my website on IIS server it converts date format to (M/d/yyyy H:mm)
i changed the date and time formats of the server but it's not affected . i changed the culture of the website to English US time format solved but date not. (M/d/yyyy hh:mm tt) i changed the culture of the website to English UK date format solved but time not. (d/MM/yyyy H:mm)
what is the solution to make it's format like my local format ???!!!
Even after setting application locale it was still picking up the application pool users locale. I had to change the region settings for all users. This screen shot might help...
I was having the same problem, I just found a solution, you need to change the key on the server, follow this steps:
That should do the trick, you can also change the sLongDate.
This is based on Nedim answer, but with tweak:
In my case the default format for my country was wrong and I couldn't pick proper format except choosing someting else with desired format. But there was web.config with globalization set to my local culture which had precedense.
Please try the below steps.Its works for me